inexpensive raised garden bed ideas


If you are one of those people who love gardening and are interested in trying raised garden beds, then you might be resorting to the use of inexpensive ones that will match your budget. One thing that you should know about raised beds is that, unlike in-ground garden, plants in this type of garden box […]

raised garden bed canadian tire review


Raised garden beds have their pros and cons, but more people are trying to get their hands in these, especially new gardeners. One of the main reasons why many are interested in it is the fact that can turn your garden into a well-organized and well-designed one. It defines space and at the same time […]

why your garden needs a stone raised bed: pros and cons


A stone raised bed garden is a beautiful addition to any yard. They are often used as ornamental features in the landscape, but they can also be very functional. Stone gardens have been around for centuries and provide many benefits that other types of gardens do not offer. reasons why you should choose stone raised […]

is corrugated metal safe for raised garden beds?


Among the popular building materials used nowadays for making a raised garden bed is corrugated metal or galvanized metal. Aside from the sturdy structure that can be created from this material, it is also a popular option among beginners in gardening because it gives a unique look in the garden.  If you are interested in trying […]

no dig raised garden bed


Everyone would agree that gardening would be more fun and less backbreaking if not for all the digging needed. However, it may surprise you that digging is not an important part of gardening!  You may ask, why did people make it a habit to dig gardens? Well, it is because of traditional practices. Back in the old days, people treated their gardens […]

the beauty of painted raised garden bed


The use of untreated lumber building a raised garden bed is considered a gold standard a vegetable gardening, environmentalism, and health. Lately, more gardeners are staining or painting the raised beds.  Some are making the garden beds more beautiful and attractive one of their backup projects, especially when they used untreated wood for the raised garden beds.   Wood is known as a very […]

can I paint my raised garden bed?


Do you enjoy seeing a colourful garden? Most people think of gardens as colourful and attractive parts of their home. However, what happens when your gardens are out of vegetables or flowers? A garden will most probably look bare, lifeless, and colourless.  Aside from plants, there are other ways to add colour to your garden. If you are planning to build a raised garden bed, you might have considered painting it.  You might be one of […]

average raised garden bed size


There are several factors that you must consider as you figure out the size of your raised garden beds as you build it. Some of these factors include space limitations, soil conditions, and the physical comfort of one’s gardening.  When searching for the average size of a raised bed for your vegetable garden, there are various sizes that you may consider. There is no […]

using pallets to make raised garden beds


Reusing wooden pallets has now become a trend when it comes to building raised garden beds. It has become more popular especially for gardeners who are short and budget or just starting.   Though it is gained popularity, there are a few things you should consider before building a raised garden bed. Whether you are building a temporary garden bed or a […]

what to know about raised garden beds?


Gardening alternatives are now getting popular and one of the convenient options you can try is building a raised garden bed. It comes with a lot of advantages when it comes to both gardening and improving the productivity of your garden.  Aside from these, what are things that you should know more about these garden beds? […]